The Pacific Northwest has an incredible opportunity to recover salmon and orcas as we modernize infrastructure, transition to salmon-friendly clean energy, and meet our climate goals so we can thrive and grow more resilient for the future. There has never been more support and momentum for a comprehensive solution that includes removing the four lower Snake River dams and replacing their services. The urgency to save salmon and orca is greater than ever.
To this day, salmon are the heart of Northwest tribal cultures, diets, and economies. We have the salmon to thank for the health of our communities from the Rocky Mountains to the Salish Sea.
For millennia, salmon and steelhead swam by the millions across the Northwest. From the Snake and Columbia Rivers to the Pacific Ocean and back again, salmon sustain all walks of life along their journey, including iconic Southern Resident orcas.
We can stop extinction, lead the largest salmon restoration in history, and honor the rights of tribes and Indigenous people who were promised abundant salmon by the United States in treaties. Get involved and stand with Northwest Tribes.
Urge your representatives to support salmon and steelhead recovery throughout the Columbia River Basin. This is an important step in upholding the commitments made to Northwest Tribes.
Join the people and communities who are coming together throughout the region to advocate for restoring the Snake and Columbia Rivers, and an abundant future. Find out about upcoming rallies, events, calls to action, and opportunities to raise your voice for change.
Find research, reports, videos, and testimonials to learn more about the imminent threats to salmon and orcas and the impacts of the lower Snake River dams on the environment, economy, and the rights of tribes and Indigenous people.