Sportsfishing Supporters

We can keep our region fishing for generations to come

Imagine: A free flowing Snake River teeming with millions of salmon. Scientists tell us this could be our reality if we put into motion the largest salmon restoration effort ever by removing four dams on the lower Snake River.

Supporting Sportfishing Advocates & Businesses

The following sportfishing advocates and businesses support the effort to Stop Salmon Extinction by removing the four dams on the lower Snake River.

Northwest Sportsfishing Industry Association

Idaho Outfitters & Guides Association

Northwest Steelheaders

Wild Steelhead Coalition

Idaho Wildlife Federation

Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations

NW Guides & Anglers Association

About Our Opportunity

We want to restore salmon and rebuild the region’s infrastructure for a sustainable tomorrow. For the last three decades, we’ve been tinkering around the edges to fix our salmon and steelhead problem. That approach has yielded some results but it’s far from enough to truly recover our salmon and steelhead.

On the other hand, scientists tell us breaching four lower Snake River dams will lead to a Chinook run that could be one-million strong with good ocean conditions. 

It’s time for bold change. We have an opportunity to make that change happen—and we can’t let this chance pass us by. The future of Columbia Basin salmon and steelhead, and our community’s traditions, hang in the balance.

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